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Interested in learning all about the top must-see famous landmarks to visit in Chile?

Chile might be a narrow strip along the western edge of South America and the Pacific Ocean, but don’t let its size fool you – it’s packed with epic landscapes! From the Atacama, the world’s driest desert, to glaciers carving through fjords and volcanoes towering into the sky, Chile is a playground for adventurers.

At Across South America, we’ve curated an amazing list of Chile’s must-see sights, including stunning UNESCO World Heritage sites that will blow you away. Imagine trekking through the surreal landscapes of the Atacama Desert, where salt flats, geysers, and vibrant lagoons create an otherworldly experience. Or hiking in Torres del Paine National Park, surrounded by soaring mountains, turquoise lakes, and glaciers that seem to glow in the Patagonian sunlight.

Chile isn’t just about rugged adventures, it’s also a haven for those who love culture and history. Explore the charming streets of Valparaíso, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its colorful hillside homes and vibrant street art. Wander through the ancient stone moai on Easter Island, delving into the mysteries of this remote and enigmatic place.

Let Across South America can help you dive deep into Chile’s diverse landscapes and rich culture. Whether it’s stargazing in the Atacama, wine tasting in the lush valleys, or discovering the lively arts scene in Santiago, we’ve got you covered. We’ll come up with a personalized itinerary that captures the essence of Chile, blending adventure with luxury and comfort. Click here to view a list of our services!

So, grab your hiking boots, channel your inner explorer, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure! Whether you’re seeking heart-pounding excitement or serene natural beauty, Chile offers a bit of everything. Let us help you discover it all in style.

top must-see famous landmarks to visit in chile

Top Must-See Famous Landmarks To Visit in Chile: Atacama Desert & San Pedro de Atacama

The Atacama Desert, located in mainland chile, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, lays claim to the title of the driest non-polar desert on Earth. This otherworldly landscape is a must-visit for any explorer. The charming town of San Pedro de Atacama serves as your launchpad into this extraordinary expanse.

Within the Atacama lies another UNESCO gem — the Humberstone and Santa Laura Saltpeter Works. These abandoned industrial sites offer a glimpse into Chile’s fascinating mining history. Explore the skeletal remains of processing plants, oficinas (saltpeter factories), and even a railway as you stand amidst the stark beauty of the desert.

Torres del Paine National Park

Torres del Paine National Park, another UNESCO World Heritage Site, is widely considered the crown jewel of Chilean Patagonia. The park’s name translates to “Towers of Paine,” and these majestic granite spires dominate the landscape. Towering peaks, glacial lakes, turquoise rivers at sea level, and emerald forests combine to create a scene straight out of a postcard. Hiking lovers will find trails catering to all experience levels, while photographers will have a field day capturing the gorgeous views.

Osorno Volcano

The imposing Osorno Volcano, a perfectly symmetrical cone capped with snow, is an iconic landmark of southern Chile. This active volcano, part of Vicente Pérez Rosales National Park, provides stunning vistas whether you choose to admire it from afar or embark on a challenging hike to its summit (weather permitting!).

Beyond the Big Three: Unveiling Famous Chilean Landmarks

While the Atacama, Torres del Paine, and Osorno Volcano steal the spotlight, Chile boasts a wealth of remote islands with the best views waiting to be explored. Here are a few tourist attractions to spark your wanderlust:

Easter Island: Journey back in time by visiting Easter Island, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and marveling at the enigmatic moai statues. Don’t miss out on checking out the famous stone figures, volcanic craters, and the rock formation!

Chiloé Island: This archipelago, known for its colorful stilt houses and unique mythology, has so many unique features offering a glimpse into a bygone era. Explore the island’s charming towns, delve into its rich folklore, and soak in the dramatic coastal scenery. Don’t forget to check out the churches of Chiloé- a must-visit tourist attraction! 

The Lake District: Looking for spectacular views or want to take a scenic drive? The Chilean Lake District is definitely worth visiting. Nestled between the Andes and the coastal ranges, Chile’s Lake District is a haven for nature lovers. Explore glacial lakes like Llanquihue and Todos los Santos, surrounded by dense forests and volcanoes. Hike, kayak, fish, or simply relax and take in the breathtaking scenery. (The mountain ranges here are like none-other!) There are numerous well-marked trails! The best way to spend your afternoons! (Just pray for clear skies!)

Valparaíso: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a popular destination because has so many wonderful features, one of our favorites being the brightly colored houses clinging to the hillsides. Get lost in the charming streets, explore the historic port area, and admire the unique street art scene.

Experiencing Chilean Culture: Beyond the Landmarks

Chile’s cultural tapestry extends far beyond its famous landmarks. Here are some ways to immerse yourself during your trip:

Wine Tasting in the Maipo Valley: Explore the vineyards nestled in the foothills of the Andes and savor world-class Chilean wines! Learn about the winemaking process, indulge in tastings, and pair your experience with delicious local cuisine.

Rapa Nui Culture: Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Rapa Nui people on Easter Island. Attend a traditional dance performance, learn about the island’s history and legends, and witness the carving techniques used to create the moai statues.

Patagonian Traditions: In Chilean Patagonia, experience the unique traditions of the gauchos, the South American cowboys. Learn about their horseback riding skills, their way of life, and perhaps even enjoy a traditional asado (barbecue) under the vast Patagonian sky.

Plan Your Chilean Adventure with Across South America

Chile’s diverse landscapes and rich culture offer something for everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or a curious explorer seeking soft adventures, Across South America can design the perfect itinerary for you.

Contact us today and let our travel specialists craft a personalized journey that allows you to experience the magic of Chile’s famous landmarks, uncover hidden gems, and immerse yourself in the local culture.

From exploring the lunar landscapes of the Atacama to cruising the turquoise waters of the Lake District, we’ll ensure your Chilean adventure is filled with unforgettable memories.

Ready to Explore the Landmarks of Chile?

These are just a taste of the many famous landmarks waiting to be discovered in Chile.  Whether you’re drawn to the arid beauty of the Atacama, the majestic peaks of Patagonia, or the volcanic wonder of Osorno, Chile has something to offer every traveler.

At Across South America, we think of ourselves as South American travel experts who can help you design the perfect itinerary to experience these incredible landmarks and all that Chile has to offer. We specialize in creating unforgettable journeys for inspired travelers, ensuring an experience that caters to your interests and pace.

So, contact us today and let’s start planning your dream South American adventure! We’ll take care of all the details, from booking flights and accommodations to arranging guided tours and unique experiences, so you can relax, explore, and create lasting memories in Chile.


What is the #1 tourist attraction in Chile?

Torres del Paine National Park, arguably Chile’s most popular attraction, isn’t just Patagonia’s crown jewel, it’s a landscape unlike any other. Towering granite peaks pierce the sky, aptly named “Towers of Paine,” while glaciers cling to their slopes, calving icebergs into vibrant lakes. The vast Patagonian steppe unfolds below, teeming with wildlife. From challenging hikes to wildlife watching, Torres del Paine offers a breathtaking Patagonian experience.

What is the most popular landmark in Chile?

Chile boasts a stunning diversity of landscapes within its borders. From the glacial majesty of Laguna San Rafael National Park and the remote beauty of Robinson Crusoe Island to the dramatic peaks of Torres del Paine National Park and the unique culture of Chiloé Island, there’s something for every adventurer. The otherworldly Valle de la Luna offers a glimpse of alien landscapes, while the Atacama Giant stands as a mysterious testament to the region’s pre-Columbian past. Tierra del Fuego, the “Land of Fire,” beckons with its wild beauty, while the ever-active Volcan Villarrica thrills those seeking an adrenaline rush.

What is the main thing Chile is known for?

Chile entices visitors with its contrasting landscapes and rich cultural tapestry. The Atacama Desert, the world’s driest, stretches across the north, while the central region cradles the bustling capital, Santiago, and boasts flourishing vineyards.

Why is Chile a popular tourist destination?

Chile captivates visitors with its stunning diversity, from shimmering glaciers and steamy hot springs to lush rainforests. Whether you seek sweeping grasslands, pristine beaches, or majestic mountains, Chile offers them all in abundance. And most importantly, the country is enriched by its people, the warm and welcoming Chileans!

What is the best time to visit Chile?

For sunshine and dry skies, visit Santiago and Chile’s wine country between September and February. Hit the slopes in the Lake District and central Chile during winter, from June to August.

Ready to start planning your South American adventure? 

Check out our suggested trip Patagonia Wonders Exclusive Australis Expedition and discover the best of South America in just ten days! Click here to view our full list of travel guides!

We’ll create a bespoke itinerary full of lifetime experiences that perfectly matches your preferences and ensures you make the most of your time in South America. Let Across South America help you create unforgettable memories in this captivating corner of the world!

Whether you’re a couple seeking adventure or celebrating decades of togetherness, this experience caters to anyone who’s seeking an unparalleled, luxurious trip.

Immerse yourselves in activities such as hiking, walking, Zodiac boat rides, penguin watching, and navigating the awe-inspiring glaciers. Embrace the intimacy of a private and custom trip or join small groups on a cruise or at a Patagonian lodge. This enchanting journey is curated for those with a passion for nature, the outdoors, culture, and wildlife, ensuring a romantic getaway that transcends expectations!

More About Across South America

We started this business because we know you’re not just a tourist — you’re a traveler seeking an authentic South American experience.

Venturing into foreign territory demands meticulous planning, connections with the right people, and access to resources. That’s where we step in!

We want you to truly experience the place we call home… and love it as much as we do.

From the vibrant pulse of local music to the exquisite flavors of fine wines, the warmth of our people, the richness of culture, and the awe-inspiring landscapes — South America is a true paradise.

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Top Must-See Famous Landmarks To Visit in Chile

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We want you to truly experience the place we call home... and love it as much as we do.

We're sharing six of our favourite South American destinations with you so you can start envisioning the experience of your dreams.